Brushwood Junior School
Meet The Team
3R - Mrs Rio (class teacher), Mrs Lacey (higher level teaching assistant) and Miss East (teaching assistant).
3J - Miss Jamison (class teacher), Mrs Parry-Jones (teaching assistant) and Mrs Akhtar (teaching assistant).
Mrs Rio is the year 3 and 4 phase leader.
Summer Term
We will be practising various reading and writing skills based around different books including The Bear and The Piano, The Roman Myth: Romulus and Remus, Charlotte's Web and a range of poetry texts. We will explore different genres for writing, including narrative, dialogue and explanation texts. Grammar, spelling and punctuation will be embedded in these lessons.
In guided reading, the children will study the text The Wild Robot. We use whole class guided reading which focuses on developing the children's comprehension skills.
This term we will focus on measure by recapping and developing skills in time and money. We will also be covering fractions, shape and statistics. Our times tables focus will be the 3 and 6 times tables. We encourage the children to regularly practise their times tables by using TTRS and hit the button.
This term our Science topics are plants and light. The children will be carrying out investigations to learn about different parts of plants and what they need to grow. The children will develop their understanding of what light is, shadows and how to keep themselves safe in the sun.
In history, the children will be learning about Romans in Britain including why the Roman's invaded Britain and the key people in the Roman time period.
In Geography, we will focus on where our food comes from, including how food choices can impact the environment and the advantages and disadvantages of locally produced food and imported food.
Art and DT
In art, we will be learning about 3D sculptures and how to plan and make our own sculptures. We will be making pneumatic toys in our DT lessons, and how mechanical systems work.
This term, the children will be learning about religious symbolism and why symbols are important.
This term, the children will be practising skills within tennis, rounders, athletics and cricket. PE days for 3J are Monday and Tuesday. PE days for 3R are Monday and Thursday.
We will be covering the topics right and responsibilities, the environment and money. We will continue to reflect on our school values of ambition, confidence, collaboration, resilience and respect.
The children will be learning Little Red Riding Hood and ice-cream flavours in French.
The children will continue to have their cornet lessons each week, led by Mr Gibbon, a music specialist. The cornets will be provided by the school.
Spring Term
We will be practising various reading and writing skills based around different books including The Egyptian Cinderella, Atlas of Adventure and The Green Ship. We will explore different genres for writing, including narrative, dialogue and explanation texts. Grammar, spelling and punctuation will be embedded in these lessons.
In guided reading, the children will study the texts of Planet Omar and The Worst Witch. We use whole class guided reading which focuses on developing the children's comprehension skills.
This term we will focus on multiplication and division, fractions and measure. Within these topics, we will use a range of resources including base 10, place value counters, number squares and bead strings. We will be learning the 4 and 8 times tables. Times Tables Rockstars and hit the button can be used at home to practise times tables.
During the first half term, we will be studying Animals including Humans. They children will learn about nutrition, skeletons and muscles. In the second half term, we will learn about forces.
In history lessons, the children will be learning about life in Ancient Egyptian times, Gods and Goddesses and mummification.
In Geography, our topic will be Antarctica, focusing on climate, the geographical location and the explorer Shackleton.
Art and DT
In art, we will focus on paining and mixed media. In DT, we will learn how to cross stitch in order to make an Ancient Egyptian collar.
The children will be learning about religious festivals; comparing them and thinking about their importance.
The children will be practising skills within gymnastics, dance and yoga. PE days for 3J are Monday and Tuesday. PE days for 3R are Monday and Thursday.
We will be covering the topics of feelings and emotions, healthy relationships and differences. We will also discuss our school values of ambition, confidence, collaboration, resilience and respect.
The focus this term is animals, colours and numbers.
The children will be studying 10 important classical music pieces. After half term, the children will start to have their Cornet lessons each week, led by Mr Gibbon, a music specialist. The cornets will be provided by the school.
Autumn Term
This term, we will be studying the following books: Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age, The Finger Eater, The Great Kapok Tree and Stone Girl. We will be practising various reading and writing skills based around these books including identifying word classes, writing descriptions, thinking about character feelings and emotions and alterative endings to stories. Grammar, spelling and punctuation will be embedded in these lessons.
In guided reading, the children will study the texts of Tales of Wisdom and Wonder and The Big Book of the UK. We use whole class guided reading which focuses on developing the children's comprehension skills.
This term we will focus on place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Within these topics, we will use a range of resources including base 10, place value counters, number squares and bead strings. We will start by recapping our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 before moving onto our 2, 5, and 10 times tables. Children will use Times Tables Rockstars to practise their times tables at speed.
Our topic for the Autumn term is rocks. The children will be classifying rocks, studying how rocks change over time and will then be moving onto fossil formation and soil types.
In history lessons, we will be learning about the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. The children will discover what life was like for the early humans and will learn how life changed over these historical periods.
In Geography lessons, we will look at oceans around the world, UK landmarks and our local area including local habitats.
Art and DT
In art, the children will be focusing on drawing including using shapes to sketch objects and using shading. In DT, we will cover cooking and nutrition, with a focus on cooking seasonally.
This term the children will be learning about places of worship in various religions. They will have the opportunity to visit a Temple.
The children will be focusing on invasion games and orienteering. PE days for 3J are Monday and Tuesday. PE days for 3R are Monday and Thursday.
This term we will be covering the topics of healthy lifestyles, our strengths and goals and keeping safe. We will also be discussing our school values of ambition, confidence, collaboration, resilience and respect.
This term, the children will begin to learn basic conversational French including greetings and how to introduce ourselves.
The children will be covering the history of Western Music. This will be taught in the school's music room where children will have access to a range of instruments.
Reading and phonics
When pupils start at Brushwood, their phonics ability will be tested. If they have some gaps in their knowledge, they will continue reading colour banded books and will have phonics interventions to close the gaps. If their knowledge is secure, they will begin on Accelerated Reader which begins testing and progressing comprehension skills. On this scheme, the children choose their own books, read in school and at home and then take an online quiz to test their understanding of the book. For both the colour banded books and then Accelerated Reader books, teachers regularly monitor the progress each child is making and move them up levels appropriately. We ask that pupils read at home each evening with an adult who can record and sign their reading logs. It is important that the children have their books and their reading logs in their bags everyday too.
Number bonds and times tables
The children regularly learn and practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 in school. These are really important skills to have as children can apply this knowledge in lots of areas of the maths curriculum. We ask that the children practise these at home as much as possible. These can be done verbally or there is some brilliant games online too. Please visit the following website for games.
As well as number bonds, it is important for the children to learn and practise their times tables. In school, we regularly practise the times tables introduced in year 2 (2x tables, 5x tables and 10x tables) before slowly introducing more times tables (4x tables, 8x tables, 3x tables and 6x tables) by learning and practising on a regular basis. It is important that children can count quickly (for example 2, 4, 6, 8) and answer questions (for example 4 x 2 = 8). To show a clear understanding of times tables, we teach the inverse too using division (for example, 8 ÷ 2 = 4). Practising these at home is essential for children to become fluent with their times tables.