😊 Brushwood Learners Thrive 😊

Brushwood Junior School

Parent Teacher Association

Welcome to the PTA 


The PTA are very busy raising funds to renovate and re-instate the wildlife area. The vision is to create a space that will support science and environmental work and that the children can also use for Forest School activities. The first stage of the wildlife project is starting in the Autumn Term 2023 with clearance of the site. 


Where does the money we raise go?


  • The PTA are proud to have donated £6000 to the Wildlife area project. This project will benefit every child in the school.
  • The PTA have allocated £2000 to help towards the cost of residential trips for families facing financial hardship
  • The PTA are also proud to be able to donate £3000 to cover the cost of the whole school trip to see Aladdin at the Elgiva Theatre in December 2024 including refreshments. 
  • The PTA are providing £200 to cover the cost of prizes at the class Christmas parties in December 2024
  • The PTA purchase Leavers books for Y6 children in July and pay for the disco


We are always looking for more PTA helpers. Even if you can just help occasionally please do get in touch or come along to our next committee meeting. Alternatively, speak to someone from the school or PTA and we will get in touch. Thank you. 



PTA Dates for your Diary Spring Term 2025


 Tuesday 11th February 2025- PTA Spring Disco 6.00pm-7.30pm


 Wednesday 12th February 2025 -PTA Committee MeetingIn the school staff room, everyone welcome! 7.00pm-8.00pm


Tuesday 1st April 2025- PTA Film Night 3.30pm-5.15pm


Thursday 3rd April 2025- PTA Film Night 3.30pm-5.15pm

PTA  Fundraising


The Brushwood Summer Fayre raised an outstanding £2000 to go towards our wildlife area project!


The double storey bird hide was installed earlier this month, giving amazing views across the fields. This is a unique and inspiring addition to the area, taking great advantage of our position within the local landscape.


We are looking forward to creating a woodcraft area, giant bug hotel and outdoor music wall to complete the area. 


See photos of Mrs Fortgang, Sustainability Governor, and Mrs Robertson looking around these developments so far.               







Rotary Santa Sleigh

Summer Fayre June 2023

Beetle Drive
