😊 Brushwood Learners Thrive 😊

Brushwood Junior School

Event Gallery

Y4 Residential Trip to Gulliver's Land

Schools Of Chesham Carnival 2024 1st Place Walking Float Winners

Alex Horne Comedy Football Match - Half Term Penalty Shoot Out

Aurora Borealis over school 10.05.24

Mike Mullen BMX World Champion and Y5/6 Workshops

Y3 Visit from Vicar Edward - Emmanuel Church, Chesham

Chiltern League Tag Rugby Finals

Year 5 Carbon Monoxide safety workshop by Hazard Alley

Year 4 Geography Field Work (Human impact on the Woodland)

NSPCC Shout Out-Stay Safe workshops

Easter Egg Raffle

Rock Steady Concert March 2024

Girls Football Tournament Chilterns League

Y5 Trout project with Chiltern Chalk Streams

Red Nose Day 2024

Whole School English Topic - The Spider and the Fly 2024

Cross County Lowndes Park February 24

Tag Rugby - Chiltern's league

Year 3 Ashmolean Museum Trip 2024

Lower School Christmas Production 2023

Rotary Club Christmas Story Competition

Rock Steady Concert - Dec 2023

Netball - Chiltern's League

6L Remembrance - Nov 2023

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Y5 Residential to Ufton Court - Nov 2023

Y4 Level 1 Bikeability - Nov 2023

Harvest assembly - Oct 2023

Harvest Samba.MOV

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Boy's Football Chiltern's league

Year 3 Macmillan Coffee Morning - Sept. 2023

Schools cross Country Competition - Sept. 2023

Chesham in Bloom Gold Winners! 🏆 - June 2023

Maya Workshop Y6 from Mexicolore - May 2023

Y5 Victorian Artefacts from Chesham Museum courtesy of Chesham Rotary Club - May 2023

Author Visit Jenny McLachlan

Chinese New Year Workshop
