😊 Brushwood Learners Thrive 😊

Brushwood Junior School



At Brushwood, we intend to offer a relevant, broad and ambitious French curriculum that inspires and excites our pupils using a wide variety of topics and themes. The aim is that pupils will feel motivated, willing and able to continue studying languages beyond Key Stage 2.


The four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught and all necessary phonics and grammar are covered in an age-appropriate way. This will enable pupils to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts, laying down solid foundations for future language learning and helping the children improve overall attainment in other subject areas.


In addition, the children are taught how to look up and research vocabulary they are unsure of and will have a bank of reference materials to help them with their spoken and written tasks. This bank of reference materials will help pupils recall and build on previous knowledge throughout their KS2 language learning journey. The intent is that all pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating. Learning another language also offers pupils the opportunity to explore relationships between language and identity, develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them with a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences. The intention is that they will be working towards becoming life-long language learners.



All classes have access to a high-quality French curriculum which follows the Language Angels scheme of work and resources. This progressively develops pupil skills in foreign languages through regularly taught and well-planned weekly lessons, which are delivered by teachers. Pupils progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organised around age-appropriate topics and themes - building blocks of language into more complex, fluent and authentic language. The planning of different levels of challenge and which units to teach at each stage of the academic year is addressed dynamically and reviewed as units are updated. Lessons offering appropriate levels of challenge and stretch are taught at all times to ensure pupils learn effectively, continuously building their knowledge of and enthusiasm for the French they are learning.


Through the use of the Language Angels resources, units are selected according to classes’ prior learning. Since pupils starting in Year 3 have not been taught French previously, early language units are most appropriate. As children move into Years 4 and 5, they begin working through intermediate units which progress in challenge by increasing the amount and complexity (including grammar concepts) of the French language presented to pupils. Finally, progressive and creative curriculum units are used with Year 6 pupils.


Children are taught how to listen to, and read longer pieces of text gradually in French and they will have ample opportunities to speak, listen to, read and write the language being taught with and without scaffolds, frames and varying levels of support. Units are progressive with subsequent lessons within each unit building on the language and knowledge taught in previous lessons. As pupils progress though the lessons, they build their knowledge and develop the complexity of the language they use.


The Progression Map shows precisely how pupil foreign language learning across the key skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar progresses within each Language Angels.


Opportunities for enrichment activities include where possible, theme days, enrichment clubs, assemblies and links with French schools.



The impact of our curriculum is monitored through:

  • Pupil voice - questionnaires and pupil book reviews

  • Engagement in enrichment activities

  • Subject leader monitoring - lesson visits, work scrutiny, action plan and assessments.

  • Governor reports

French displays around the school

French in Action

Year 4 have been quizzing each other on what we have learnt so far this term.

Quelle concentration incroyable!
