Brushwood Junior School
Brushwood Junior School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We undertake rigorous checks on all staff and volunteers who work in our school and maintain a central record documenting these. Staff involved in recruitment and selection of employees are trained in safer recruitment and all of our staff undertake Safeguarding training.
Joanne Robertson, Headteacher, is our Designated Safeguarding Lead and should be the first point of contact for any concerns around safeguarding and child protection. Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Kirsty Haines (Deputy Headteacher) and Emily Stevens (Assistant Headteacher). There is always a DSL available in school during term time, you can contact them by phone on 01494 786023, or with an email labelled for their attention to
Sigal Duvshani-Eli is our named governor with responsibility for safeguarding.
As part of our role to safeguard pupils, please be aware that, like all schools, we have a duty to share information with other agencies where there are any concerns about the safety or well-being of a child.
Our policies relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection can be found in the Key Information section on this website. Paper copies can be requested through the school office.